There will be no updates to posted datasets on Monday 7/5, in observance of the fourth of July. Regular updates will resume 7/6.

COVID-19 Case Demographics by County and District

By country breakdown of demographics (age group, gender, race, ethnicity)

All data displayed is preliminary and subject to change as more information is reported to ISDH. Expect historical data to change as data is reported to ISDH.

Historical Changes:

06/23/2021: COVID Hub files will no longer be updated on Saturdays. The normal refresh of these files has been changed to Mon-Fri.

06/10/2021: COVID Hub files will no longer be updated on Sundays. The normal refresh of these files has been changed to Mon-Sat.

6/03/2021 : A batch of historical negative and positive test results added 16,492 historical tests administered, 7,082 tested individuals, and 765 historical cases to today's counts. These cases are not included in the new positive counts but have been added to the total positive cases.

Today’s total case counts include historical cases received from other states.

2/4/2021 : Today’s dataset now includes 1,507 historical deaths identified through an audit of 2020 and 2021 COVID death records and test results.

12/30/2020: This dataset has been updated after a slight delay.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Indiana State Department of Health
Maintainer Management Performance Hub
Last Updated July 1, 2021, 11:58 (EDT)
Created July 27, 2020, 16:49 (EDT)
Granularity Aggregate, Age Group, Race, Gender, Ethnicity
Language English
Spatial/Geographic Coverage State of Indiana
Temporal Coverage 3/1/2020 - Present